homestead banner note: I’m still building out this page, check back soon for more info

A couple years back I made the leap and purchased a house and land in the western mountains of Maine, where I’m now living. Living out in the country has its own challenges, not only unique to homeownership, but also property stewardship and cultivation. Some things I’m thinking about on that front:

  • Electrical grid reliance, what options are available for solar, wind, micro-hydro power generation
  • Arboriculture, the majority of our property is thickly forested, and learning how to maintain that in a sustainable fashion is important for me.
  • Winterization, the winters in Maine can be harsh and unforgiving, and learning how to leave comfortably when there’s 5-6 feet of snow outside is an area of interest
  • Gardening and farming, I thoroughly enjoy cultivating practical use from the land, and growing my own fruit and vegetables is a great way to do that. My tilled plots are still small, but I’m learning more Woodworking in order to steadily build out my and my partner’s plans.
  • Stellar Photography, with how little light pollution there is out here, I eventually want to build a small observatory to both study and capture the stars. I don’t have any specific works showcasing this yet, but it’s on the horizon.

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